Joanne Chan

Joanne Chan
22 years of age
positivity, kindness and courage lead to great things
female. australian born chinese. UNSW. planning
exercise, food, badminton, lazing around is my fave hobbies
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today's agenda!!
Wednesday 16 May 2012 | 0 comments
back on to healthy eating! no more trashy fooooods! pumped pumped pumped!
hmm what else?
well, today's plan was to wake up, finish my 2000 word essay due on monday, and then watch dramas! but i guess things never go according to plan! I'm currently researching places to go when i go on my annual july trip with my 3 bestest friends! hehe no HOMO!:D but, i think they're really my greatest friends! and i love them very very much!!!!!
hehe i;m gonna so cringe if i ever read back on these posts and think to myself 'wtf was i typing' haha.
anyhows! we decided to save cash and we're probably not going to go interstate or anything. However, we're planning to go hiking or something adventurous! we have three types of options to do in NSW: Countryside/country towns, beach side resorts/houses, or the mountain area - e.g. blue mountains.
We could so do koziousckio - lol cannot spell!
anyways my hands are freeeeeeezing and im wearing 4 layers! i need some sunshine! haha my cat sneaked into my house today and i was upstairs watching television. While i was paying attention to the tv, i hear this cute meow from downstairs, and i saw a grey tail as it climbed up those stairs! haha from now on, i'm going to treat my cats better now! I really want to give them a wash because i swear they're dirty cats that roll around everywhere! but the thing is, they're so scared of water and end up scratching me! TELL ME HOW TO WASH CATS!!!
hehe grey kitty so cute could decide whether it wanted to be like its mother - black cat, or its father - white cat, so it decides to be a grey cat!!
such pointless stories joanne chan. Go back to kindergarten!
im just procrastinating..... dont wanna start essay!