Joanne Chan

Joanne Chan
22 years of age
positivity, kindness and courage lead to great things
female. australian born chinese. UNSW. planning
exercise, food, badminton, lazing around is my fave hobbies
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perseverance is key
Thursday 31 May 2012 | 0 comments
perseverance is the key to happiness. truth.
but sometimes, trying to be happy and pretending to be happy in order to keep your family and friends happy and not feeling helpless is really difficult.
when i come home from work and my mother asks me why do i seem unhappy, and me having to curve a smile and say that i'm fine and i don't understand why you're saying such thing, hurts.
but at the end of the day.
one person;s suffering is better than two.
the future holds happiness and i really believe that :)