Joanne Chan

Joanne Chan
22 years of age
positivity, kindness and courage lead to great things
female. australian born chinese. UNSW. planning
exercise, food, badminton, lazing around is my fave hobbies
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it's over!!!
Sunday 3 June 2012 | 0 comments
omg semester 1 is officially over, it's already the second half the year, and i'm NEARLY 20!!!
time is passing so quick, soon i'm going to become an old granny who does tai chi in the park!!
how's life recently? Life has been going pretty well! :) hehe
i think around last week, my sweet ass friends waited in front of my house and delivered me some hello happy cakes! <3 they're so sweeeeeet! ifuckinlove them!
from left to right: opera, american cheesecake, and green tea! LOL ! it was great seeing them because that week, i was so stressed with my major university assignment! it was a really difficult uni assignment, and left me sleeping at 3-4am every single night! but well and truly worth, took me forever to draw those ugly 3d houses!!! i wish i could draw less wonkatated!
hmm!! thought of the day:
i love my mom! so so so so much. even though, i admit there are times where i feel as if she doesn't really care about me, i know that she does! hehe just contradicted myself there! but it's the truth!! if i needed something, i know she's the one that'd leave the house for me and go and get it.
She stresses alot because i know she has to sacrifice her own feelings and wants for the needs of my sister, father and i. Therefore, i truly believe that mothers are the BEST! :D (sorry dads!) hehe not that i don't get along with my dad! but it's just the truth!!!! :)
my mum bought me two packets for strepsils when i told her i had a mild sore throat! :)
she comes into my rooms in the mornings sometimes when she's bored and creeps into my single bed and snuggles next to me.
she likes to get angry at my hairs that fall on the floor LOL
she walks in with a broomstick and starts sweeping the floor.
she likes to SOMETIMES, VERY RARELY make my bed for me :)
she sewed me some pajama pants even thougth they're WAY long, way big and has teddy bears over it.
she's special and i fuckin love herrrrrrrrrrr and every dollar i spent on this bitch is WORTH IT :D <3
the end. HEHE