Joanne Chan

Joanne Chan
22 years of age
positivity, kindness and courage lead to great things
female. australian born chinese. UNSW. planning
exercise, food, badminton, lazing around is my fave hobbies
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so many negative thoughts
Saturday 2 November 2013 | 0 comments
This week ended with a down fall.
The same thing keeps chasing me.
Too many negative thoughts makes me mind feel clouded.

I cleaned my room today.. it's quite therapeutic at times, cleaning out unnecessary junk in my life.
 I discovered so many clothes i don't like/need/bought out of impulsive actions.
I need to get back to my original routine.
For more than 10 years i have repeatedly said this.

Feeling so down lately.
fuuuuuuu! I don't want to let anybody know about my sad feelings and thoughts.


On to another topic,
Over the weekend i went to watch Gravity. It was such an amazing movie! i thought i wouldn't enjoy it because i'm not really a movie person and i think i just feel agitated when the movie gets boring and i just want to GTFO of the cinemas. But omg! the movie was so good. The aftermath of the movie involved me laying in bed on a Saturday night wiki-pedia-ing satellite space stations and astronauts. haha It's really interesting.
Ooh, before Movies, i went Bike riding at Olympic Park! bike hire for 15 dollars for an hour! :) it was so fun!!! hehe I thought i couldn't bike ride anymore, but thankfully, it was fine!

I wish i could lighten up abit... try to be abit happier.
Is it possible to become a 100% Optimistic person, and consistently thinking on the bright side?
I hope i could become one!!