Joanne Chan

Joanne Chan
22 years of age
positivity, kindness and courage lead to great things
female. australian born chinese. UNSW. planning
exercise, food, badminton, lazing around is my fave hobbies
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chicken bacon
Monday 19 August 2013 | 0 comments
Today i wasn't feeling the best of the best. Sometimes, i feel rather depressed. How life doesn't go the right way.
But then there are things that i should remember and have faith in and believe that there are better things than the current obstacle which shall remain a temporary puzzle.

My father was so cute today. My father doesn't usually cook dinner for me, but today i woke up from a long nap after work and found that he had cooked steak and vegetables and pizza and chicken corn soup. So bad!! I'm trying to stick to my clean eating regime, but I just couldn't say no to the cute man who was cooking up a storm. I could imagine the happiness inside him while he was cooking for me. He was especially happy when i complimented his pizza. Haha such a cute asian man :)
I love my parents so much, and owe them so much.
I want to be the best that i can as a daughter before they diminish from the same world as myself.
I know that one day it will come true *knock on wood, and pray not anytime soon!* Death is unfortunately, inevitable.
Life is like that.
When there is an up, there is a down. And when there is a down, there is an up. I guess that is where fairness plays a part.

I want to run away from the little grouch monster inside of me. One day.
 I'll run away from you.
 I'll never see you again.
Because i'm so much better than that.

Joanne Chan. Out~~