Joanne Chan

Joanne Chan
22 years of age
positivity, kindness and courage lead to great things
female. australian born chinese. UNSW. planning
exercise, food, badminton, lazing around is my fave hobbies
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nobody knows
Friday 4 January 2013 | 0 comments
nobody knows who i really am.
nobody knows that there's a sharp, deep thorn piercing within me.
nobody will ever know.
nor will they every understand.
nobody will know.
only myself will know.
I hope for 2013 this year, i will listen to my heart and not my mind, or my mindless physical body/self.
I know i can't keep carrying on like this. There will be one day where i will suffocate so much, like a balloon, it'll burst. More so, it'll diminish, demolish, and be devoured.
When will i be able to retrace the solutions?
When can i procreate my inner self?
When will i find the self i want to be?
Why is it still so difficult to understand something so simple?