Joanne Chan

Joanne Chan
22 years of age
positivity, kindness and courage lead to great things
female. australian born chinese. UNSW. planning
exercise, food, badminton, lazing around is my fave hobbies
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movie night, watermelon cake
Monday 10 December 2012 | 0 comments
today was another adventurous day filled with plentiful laughters, screaming and crying all in one!
ahaha, so this morning, i got my iphone5! yay! :) no LTE though, but yeah, i guess i'm not a picky person anyways.
headed out to newtown with the Princess Y and tasted the famous watermelon cake! its worth the circle that we walked around. Tried to kill time and ended up going to Silvia's.
Haha just slept on her floor in her tiny room and had these musings and chats. Thats what i love! the best time killer ever is to gather some close friends in a room, listen to each other vent about their feelings (whether good or bad) in life, observe the girlies paint their nails, and laugh at silly stuff.
Another amazing part of life is to be able to watch movies on a casual monday out!
We watched perks of being a wallflower tonight! I started cryingggg especially towards the end when the storyline and the main character's purpose of the way he lives his life unfolds.
Pretty amazing.
Despite my hatred for full stops. tonight i just feel like using them.

Alot of thoughts........ and i'm pretty sure alot of people would feel like this once their in relationships, but sometimes.. it feels like i put alot of effort. Maybe i have alot of time on my hands? but when i took out my phone and my head expected a simple good night message, and the sight of such was zero, i just felt a blank disappointment. Maybe because women like to be reminded that they're still loved.  Or maybe we're selfish? I made the effort to call.. but yeah.
These sorts of things make me feel uneasy, and ponder the meaning of relationships. Is it to consistently remind one of their love for one another? Or is it to live by knowing that their is company and trusting that the company is still existent? or maybe there is a difference between what the males believe produce a sense of attachment to one? Or women just ask for too many things.
I'm rambling on tonight. But its my blog, so i wanna say whatever i want :) and not have to give a fuck :).
i really hope its not me being a selfish bitch!
i have found out i have a dislike for BURRITOS! I don't need u in my life burrito! and thank you for letting me discover that through your heavy disappointment in taste today during dinner! :)